A diverse group of young entrepreneurs, engage in a lively brainstorming session within a vibrant startup space. They discuss various business projects, and collaboratively work towards solving challenges, showcasing inclusivity and innovation in action.


Our commitment to diversity and accessibility

WCG is committed to conform to all aspects of accessibility for persons served, personnel and stakeholders, and strives to ensure that all locations owned or operated by WCG provide barrier-free services, supports, environments and employment. WCG recognizes that the key principles of accessibility are independence, dignity, integration, and equality. Every WCG employee helps to honour this commitment.

Our Accessibility Policy contains our promise to provide accessible services.

Website accessibility

We ensure that WCG’s new or significantly refreshed websites and web content conform with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA.

Information and communication

At WCG, we communicate in ways that are accessible to each customer. Upon request, WCG provides information in an accessible format or with communication support, free of charge and in a timely manner. In doing so we work with individuals to determine how best to meet their needs. When necessary, WCG will obtain assistance from community partners who specialize in specific forms of communication. We inform the public about the availability of accessible formats and communication supports through the Accessibility page on our website.

Service disruptions

WCG provides customers with as much advance notice as possible in the event of a planned service disruption. In the event of an unexpected disruption of service or office closure, WCG posts a notice immediately. The notice includes information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration, and a description of alternative facilities or services, if available.
