
Why Employment Ontario York

Employment Ontario York helps people find work.
Work gives hope, creates a sense of belonging and has the power to change lives for the better.

Finding the right job can be life-changing.
Especially if you have barriers like a disability, a lack of experience, are new to the area or have been out of the workforce for a while. We provide access to resources, services, and programs to help reduce those barriers.

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Better jobs Ontario Apprenticeship programs

A welder man is depicted wearing a protective welding helmet and gloves.
A woman is depicted standing opposite a man, both dressed in business attire shaking hands.


Find employees and keep them

If you are looking to hire in the region of York or surrounding areas, Employment Ontario York can connect you with ready to work jobseekers. You’ll also receive employee retention support from Employment Ontario York, so you and your new employee get off to the best start together.


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Meeting the needs of Jobseekers and Employers

A young woman working in front of a computer.

Providing the tools and resources you need to land the right job and
excel in your career.

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A group of workers are standing in front of pallets in a warehouse.
Workforce Development Professionals

Helping workforce professionals advance and excel in their careers through certifications and tools for advancement.

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Two men are sitting in front of each other in an office environment, having a friendly and relaxing conversation.

Helping employers build and
maintain a motivated, healthy, and
inclusive workforce.

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Unlock your potential with Employable Me

Get the skills you need to succeed

Employable Me is our exclusive online platform that has all the tools, tips, videos, and games you need to succeed in finding and keeping a job you will love.

When you become an Employment Ontario York client, you will gain access to Employable Me.

Employable Me logo

Join Employment Ontario today

Non-traditional female college student holding laptop smiles for camera.

EOWORKS success stories
